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you must love me中文是什么意思

用"you must love me"造句"you must love me"怎么读"you must love me" in a sentence


  • 你必须爱我
  • 你需动真情
  • 你一定爱上了我
  • 你一定爱我
  • 你一定要爱我


  • You must love me . you must love me
  • You must love me
  • You must love me a little , i said , with a beating heart which almost prevented me from speaking ; for , despite the half - mocking smiles with which she had accompanied the whole of our conversation , it seemed to me that marguerite was beginning to share my troubled state and that i was approaching the moment which i had been so long awaiting
    “应该给我这么一点爱, ”我说,心跳得几乎连话也讲不出来,因为尽管玛格丽特讲话的时候流露出一种含讥带讽的微笑,我还是觉得出来,她似乎也跟我一样有点心慌意乱了,我等待已久的时刻正在逐步逼近。
用"you must love me"造句  
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